SILdoc(`Executes a channel program
If this function returns 0 the channel program was successfully loaded and
ran without failing. Note that individual commands the channel program ran
may have failed and the channel program is responsible for reporting such
errors through outnvl if they are important.
This method may also return:
22 The program contains syntax errors, or an invalid memory or time
limit was given. No part of the channel program was executed.
If caused by syntax errors, 'outnvl' contains information about the
44 The program was executed, but encountered a runtime error, such as
calling a function with incorrect arguments, invoking the error()
function directly, failing an assert() command, etc. Some portion
of the channel program may have executed and committed changes.
Information about the failure can be found in 'outnvl'.
12 The program fully executed, but the output buffer was not large
enough to store the returned value. No output is returned through
28 The program was terminated because it exceeded its memory usage
limit. Some portion of the channel program may have executed and
committed changes to disk. No output is returned through 'outnvl'.
62 The program was terminated because it exceeded its Lua instruction
limit. Some portion of the channel program may have executed and
committed changes to disk. No output is returned through 'outnvl'.